American Gator Story

In the wake of this tragic week at home in Orlando, we are preparing to repatriate after three years of living in China.  Three years living on the outside looking in.  Three years hoping for VPN access to be able to keep tabs on the happenings at home through the lens of American media.  Instead of packing, I’m procrastinating by drumming up the headlines I expected to see this morning:

  • Viscious monster attacks innocent child, bystanders suspect evangelical Christian involved
  • Left calls for ban on alligators
  • Right Responds: Taking gators from responsible citizens not the answer, if this family had brought a trained alligator for protection, this never would’ve happened.
  • Obama secret alligator sympathizer
  • Trump blamed for inciting alligator
  • Trump Responds: we need to build a wall to protect from alligators, vet any further alligators seeking entrance
  • Group files lawsuit against gator’s parents
  • Westboro Baptist protests funeral: God sent the alligator
  • Hillary calls for unity in the wake of tragedy, says gators who are under FBI investigation should not be allowed access to children, but are encouraged to run for President

I’m not trying to be insensitive here, but the media has already beaten me to it. I’m not sure if the world’s gone crazy in the last three years or my perspective has just changed this much but I’m so exasperated when I see the media using someone’s personal tragedy to push their own political agenda.  I’m so tired of the predictable biased exploitation of the saddest events to get ratings and incite more division. Tonight I will hold my kids tight and thank God that they’re safe and healthy.  Tomorrow, the movers will come and pack three years of life in China so that we can return to the greatest country in the world. I’ll pray that our time here has made my kids appreciate how very much we have to be grateful for.  If you’re honestly looking for another country to live in pending the results of the upcoming election, may I suggest China?

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